Supplier Information
Buyers are responsible for the purchase of goods and services specific to his or her assigned commodities and areas of service.
To be added to our supplier database, as a potential supplier, click the “Request to be added as a Supplier” quick link and complete the form.
Meetings with suppliers are by appointment only. Please contact the buyer specific to your commodity or service to schedule an appointment.
Demonstrations, Trials, and Samples:
Suppliers are encouraged to demonstrate products. Materials left on College premises shall remain the responsibility and property of the supplier. Any costs to be incurred by the College shall be confirmed in writing, prior to delivery of materials. Samples shall be supplied to the College at no charge.
Deliveries shall be made to the address indicated on the purchase order or to other locations authorized by Procurement Services. Standard dock hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Arrangements must be made in advance for deliveries outside of these hours.
To ensure prompt payment, the purchase order number must appear on the invoice. Upon delivery of materials or render of services, invoices should be forwarded to Accounts Payable at:
Cuyahoga Community College District
Accounts Payable
P.O. Box 3957
Scranton, PA 18505
Email to:
Fax to: 855-271-9674
ACH / Electronic Payments:
Cuyahoga Community College has implemented ACH / electronic payment processing. To receive payment of invoices electronically, please contact Karen Mrak.
Phone: 216-987-4738
To ensure prompt payment, the purchase order number must appear on the invoice.
Purchase Orders:
Per the Ohio Revised Code, no materials or services are to be provided to the College without a valid purchase order (P.O.) or authorized Tri-C Procurement Credit Card. Otherwise, the supplier may bear the full financial risk. The assigned P.O. number must be referenced on all documentation (packing lists, invoices, etc.).
Sourcing Authority:
While the ultimate buying authority resides with Procurement Services, our internal customers have an impact on where products and services are sourced. We encourage suppliers to establish contact with the appropriate departments.
Terms and Conditions:
Suppliers are required to adhere to all terms and conditions appearing on the "Request for Quotation," "Instructions to Bidders" and "Purchase Orders." View the Terms and Conditions of our purchase orders.